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Easton, PA Fountain
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Water Regionalization Sub Committee: Formed to oversee and guide a comprehensive Research study evaluating the benefits of regionalized water/wastewater systems in the Lehigh Valley.

Live LV Subcommittee: Formed to address the troubling population loss of young professionals in the Lehigh Valley. Currently coordinating a series of 5 Public Forums to educate and inspire local young professionals. This committee has also been working on developing a community website to serve the needs of young professionals in the Lehigh Valley Area.

Community Forums

  1. "How Can We Make Our Region Better?" A Forum focused on gaining information about how we can retain and attract young professionals to the Lehigh Valley. In partnership with the Network of Young Professionals and College Valley, RenewLV held a facilitated discussion with approximately 60 young professionals. The three initiatives they expressed would most improve our region were a) continuing to preserve open space, b) creating "affordable housing" for young professionals in the cities and boroughs, i.e. condominium development in the $100-150,000 range,) and c) plan for passenger rail in the region.
  2. "Protect, Preserve & Renew: How we can Make Our Region Better". A Forum focused on land preservation and urban revitalization. Key Note Speaker, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Thomas Hylton. The forum was held Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006 at Cedar Crest College - Alumni Hall.
  3. Affordable Housing. A Forum was held on Thursday, July 27th at the Allentown Art Musuem entitled 'Addressing the Vibrancy of our Urban Communities: Affordable Housing for Young Professionals in the Lehigh Valley"
  4. Transportation: A Forum focused on the alternatives to car modal transportation such as passenger rail, increased bus service, river transport and walking and biking paths will occur Tuesday, January 16, 2007. Registration begins at 5:30pm and the program starts at 6:30pm. The event will be at the Hotel Bethlehem (Terrace Room).
  5. Entertainment: A Forum focused on how to district zone entertainment businesses to be in one central location and creating tax incentives and loan funds to continue the growth of a hipper community. Location and Date TBA.

PA Constitutional Convention: RenewLV recognizes that some political factions are raising the issue of a Constitutional Convention. Some people believe that changes in the state's constitution can alleviate the problems incurred by fragmented governments and uncoordinated land use planning. RenewLV is willing to host a public forum to hear how changing the constitution or current legislation will improve the situation for Pennsylvania.

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RenewLV.org photo contributors: Timothy Miller, Hub Wilson, Wesley Works, and Joyce Marin.